Georgetown Times
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Military Paycuts
I think that improving compensation for troops is helping retention and agree with the author that the military are underpaid for their sacrifice. Cutting spending will threaten security in the years to come and sends a terrible message to our enemies. How is it that U.S. postal carriers, with no hazardous duty make $70,000 yearly plus significant benefits and are scheduled for another pay increase next year? Congress is discussing filling a $3.8 billion deficit at the federally backed agency, not by salary cuts, but by reducing services such as Saturday delivery. I would challenge anyone to find a civilian job that has the same set of requirements and risks as those experienced by our military personnel. After Sept. 11th this country was quick to get behind its troops. How quick the President and Congress forget that we are still in that same war. This is a ridiculous attempt to balance the budget on the backs of those who are paying or have paid with their blood, sweat, and tears. I enjoyed reading Mikes commentary and have a great deal of respect for his service to our country.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Government Invading Our Privacy
There is no evidence that the TSA has done anything to make air travel more secure since its creation after 9/11. It was the passengers that discovered the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber not the TSA, they got passed security! Nor were the cargo bombs and the lunatic pilots discovered by the TSA. It seems more practical to have licensed people with firearms training on flight to secure the safety of passengers. Airlines have enormous amounts of money riding on passenger safety. We cannot depend on the government for protection and security. When government does this, they do it by relieving us of our freedom and liberties…and now our right to privacy of our own bodies. I do not think the government has the right to see us naked or aggressively touch us just because we bought an airline ticket. It seems more like awarding expensive government contracts rather than security. Think of the frequent fliers, the elderly, the sick, the young. It is time to bring common sense back to America.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Immigration Reform A Must
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Voter Bribery/Fraudulent Voting: It’s Time to End!
Voter bribery is widespread throughout our country. How can it be stopped? The idea that the homeless are being picked up and taken to vote, then consequently rewarded with cigarettes and a FREE lunch is really disturbing. We cannot allow elections to be bought and stolen. This is not what our forefathers intended! We must restore integrity in order to strengthen democracy.
The “Get out the Vote” campaign is an excellent idea, but we must carefully look at the corruption that has evolved and at what the real costs are. Why can’t students vote on election-day? The polls open before school begins and school is definitely out before the polls close. Lackadaisical efforts in implementing procedures at voting polls must be eliminated. A 30-day verification period must be enforced and we must eliminate the restrictions on using voter registration lists to verify voters. I.D.’s are required for driving; purchasing alcohol and tobacco, why not carefully identify voters? The idea that requiring valid I.D.’s suppresses the vote is ridiculous. This will protect the integrity of voters and secure civil rights of voters. In addition, it will keep away illegal aliens and felons from voting. We can clean this mess up America. “We the People” must take action if authorities refuse to.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Passionate or Extremists?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Government Spending Out of Control
Daniel Henninger, is deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page. In his editorial about excessive government spending, Mr. Henninger explains how the Democrats will be defeated in the next Congressional and presidential elections. His article entitled "It’s the Spending, Stupid”, suggests that the American people are not merely concerned about Uncle Sam’s spending, but that they are furious. The point he articulates is that the public’s concern over spending has exploded from one of concern to that of a broad public movement. Mr. Henninger is a well acclaimed author. He became a staff writer for the National Observer in 1971 and went on to become an editorial page writer for the Journal in 1977. In 1983 he was appointed assistant editor and quickly rose to chief editorial writer and senior assistant in October 1986. In November 1989 he became deputy editor of the editorial page. He has won numerous awards for his editorial writings on a range of issues including being a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize.
Mr. Henninger begins his article with President Obama admitting at a backyard town-hall meeting in Fairfax, VA , that the public has a right to be concerned with the large amount of spending that has take place as the result of the Recovery Act . He argues the point that the President’s refusal to acknowledge the anger of the American people and the political rage of the Tea Party Movement will ultimately result in the transfer of power back to the Republicans. He targets the two $3 trillion-plus budget passed on Obama’s watch and the trillion-dollar health care entitlement. Independents are angry about the economy, and they are ready to remove the party in power. His passion and the statistics he presents are very compelling. Would America be better off without all the bailouts? I think the auto and home industry should have faced the consequences of buying more than they could afford. I think raising taxes to cut the deficit is a bailout for spenders. Henninger seems somewhat conservative in his view, but he is quick to point out that the GOP needs to establish credibility on spending, otherwise the voters two years from now will throw them under the bus.
His editorial criticizes both Democrat and Republican parties as the public spending has been excessively growing for years at the hands of congress. He gives the compelling argument that the President and Congress need to cut spending in order for economic recovery. I don’t understand why the current administration is not listening to their constituencies. I think amongst the younger voters, President Obama’s image was initially viewed as that of hope and change, but now he is viewed as the joker of socialism. I found this article definitely informative and worth reading. I think that many will suffer as a result of spending cuts, but it is imperative in order for our economy to recover.