Given this highly contested election year I thought it was important to discuss voter bribery and fraudulent voting. There is currently a law suit pending the illegal actions taken by Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) for voter bribery. CPS Administrators allowed students to be transported during school hours to vote and then taken out for ice cream as a reward for their early casted vote. On October 13th@ 1:00pm a Democrat campaign worker (wearing Democrat stickers on her vest) arrived with Hughes High School students to the Hamilton County Board of Elections. These students were carrying sample democrat ballots in hand as they went into vote. Rather than returning the students back to school they were treated to free ice cream. FREE? Sounds like BRIBERY to me! Four additional high schools were to be transported the following week. This particular school district settled a dispute eight years prior for illegal campaign activity. This is clearly an example of partisan politics during school hours, with school property, and school employees involved. Definitely these early votes should be tossed out. Schools should remain politically neutral. Is this a case of CPS educators encouraging students to register to vote and to vote or more seriously the criminal activity of desperate Democratic campaign workers and leaders of a politically biased community?
Voter bribery is widespread throughout our country. How can it be stopped? The idea that the homeless are being picked up and taken to vote, then consequently rewarded with cigarettes and a FREE lunch is really disturbing. We cannot allow elections to be bought and stolen. This is not what our forefathers intended! We must restore integrity in order to strengthen democracy.
The “Get out the Vote” campaign is an excellent idea, but we must carefully look at the corruption that has evolved and at what the real costs are. Why can’t students vote on election-day? The polls open before school begins and school is definitely out before the polls close. Lackadaisical efforts in implementing procedures at voting polls must be eliminated. A 30-day verification period must be enforced and we must eliminate the restrictions on using voter registration lists to verify voters. I.D.’s are required for driving; purchasing alcohol and tobacco, why not carefully identify voters? The idea that requiring valid I.D.’s suppresses the vote is ridiculous. This will protect the integrity of voters and secure civil rights of voters. In addition, it will keep away illegal aliens and felons from voting. We can clean this mess up America. “We the People” must take action if authorities refuse to.
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